Compiled by Bogireddy Chandra:


First Idea : 1902 : Colonel Charles R. How

Second step : 1920 : Harry Mohr (Standardized)

Third stage : 1940 : Juul Hvorslev ( Pretty much Standardized)

Finally : 1948 : Terzaghi (Recommended and published)

46 years journey of research

(Meanwhile we are Indians struggling for Freedom: 1857-1947)


Overview on historical development of the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) with reference.

1902: Colonel Charles R. How of the United States Army Corps of Engineers proposed a method for measuring the resistance of soil to penetration using a steel rod with a calibrated tip. This idea was not widely adopted at the time.

1920: Harry Mohr, a geologist and engineer, developed a modified version of How's method that involved using a standard weight dropped from a fixed height to drive the steel rod into the soil. Mohr's method became widely used in the United States and was the basis for the Standard Penetration Test.

1940: Juul Hvorslev, a Danish engineer, further refined and standardized the SPT method. He developed a standard sampler and hammer weight, and recommended specific procedures for driving the sampler into the soil.

1948: Karl Terzaghi, a renowned geotechnical engineer, recommended the use of the SPT and published guidelines for its use in soil investigations. Terzaghi's recommendations helped to establish the SPT as a widely accepted and standardized test method for soil investigation.

Over the course of 46 years, the Standard Penetration Test evolved from an idea proposed by Colonel How into a widely used and standardized method for measuring soil strength and properties. It is interesting to note that this development occurred during a period of significant political and social change in India, as it struggled for independence from British colonial rule.

(Feel free to suggest if needs any modifications)

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