I am trying to learn the membrane backed by air cavity in the following paper, figure 2. My code result does not match the paper result. can somebody point out the error?
I Have used equation no 3, 4, 5, and 9 to obtain figure 2 (a)
Tension is 76.53 N, density of membrane(T) is 0.265, air cavity (D) is 100 mm, radius of tube (a) is 50mm
Article Membrane sound absorber with a granular activated carbon infill
clear all;
f= (100:2:1600);
omega= 2*pi*f;
rho_s=0.265; T=76.53*(1+1j*0.005); D=0.1; a=0.05; % Fig 2 a
c=343; rho_0=1.213; Z_0 = rho_0*c;
%% Impedance of membrane with air cavity only
Z_m = (1j*omega*rho_s)./(1-((2./km*a).*(besselj(1, km*a)./besselj(0,km*a))));
Z_w = -1j*Z_0*cot(k0*D);
Z_s = Z_m + Z_w
Z_s =Z_s/Z_0;
R = (Z_s - 1)./(Z_s + 1);
alpha_1 = 1 - ((abs(R)).^2);
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Sound absorption coefficient')
grid on
grid minor
ylim([0 1])
set(gca, 'XScale', 'log')
set(gca, 'YScale', 'log')