6 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Raja Kumar
As the eigen room modes of a room are complex. So How to remove the complex eigen modes? Is there a way to remove the acoustic damping by air in SOLVER SETTING? #COMSOL #ROOM ACOUSTIC
21 July 2023 1,363 3 View
What is the appropriate study, either time domain or frequency domain, for simulating the impact hammer test in COMSOL? Furthermore, how can I generate and apply a hammer hit to the desired...
11 July 2023 3,218 2 View
I have taken 1) pressure acoustics, 2) membrane, and 3) solid mechanics. I have used three multiphysics 1) membrane and solid mechanics for membrane and added mass interaction, 2) acoustic...
10 July 2023 2,328 0 View
I am trying to learn the membrane backed by air cavity in the following paper, figure 2. My code result does not match the paper result. can somebody point out the error? I Have used equation no...
17 January 2023 8,264 3 View
Please recommend 1.Books 2.Tutorial 3.Links which explains optimization using the least square method with MATLAB code
01 June 2020 2,154 3 View
To integrate a mathematical function from -inf to inf in MATLAB, I am using from trapz but i am finding it difficult as the variable like d(X), X has to be like ( -1000,1000,2000), but since i...
30 December 2019 8,115 3 View