I am evaluating six methodologies of stablity and phenotypic adaptability in the fruit species Solanum Quitoense and I want to compare these methodologies to know which yields the best results. Could someone help me?
Node appearance model for Lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam.)
in the high altitude tropics ver enlace: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bernardo_Chaves/publication/223730165_Node_appearance_model_for_Lulo_Solanum_quitoense_Lam_in_the_high_altitude_tropics/links/004635241d23fa38c0000000/Node-appearance-model-for-Lulo-Solanum-quitoense-Lam-in-the-high-altitude-tropics.pdf?origin=publication_list
Ahí aplican algunos modelos matemáticos relacionados con fenología
Article Node appearance model for Lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam.) in t...
According to what you stated in your question, you want to compare two variables (stability and adaptability) across six groups (methodologies). If the variable to be compared variable is numeric (ratio or interval) then you can use ANOVA to compare, while if the compared variable is ordinal you can use Kruskal Wallis test, otherwise if it was nominal then you can use Chi-square test.