
  I am using the "Roboklon DNA core kit" to perform the SELEX. This company proposed the amplifications steps with an emulsion PCR. But I've compared with normal PCR and RT-PCR, and this emulsion seems to be not so good. Someone had some problems with this kit and this emulsion PCR?

  After each round I have to clean the PCR product with a column (provided in the kit) and I am losing about 80% of my product after column. Is it normal?

  And checking each round in the agarose gel, is possible to see 2 bands. What is happening?

  In the RT-PCR after 10 rounds I did not see a increasing in the melting curve (stopped around 85 degrees). Am I doing something wrong?

-> In this kit, the library is compound by ssDNA (40 bp) flanked by 18 bp (for the primers).

  Thank you!  

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