Does anybody know how to solve the COMSOL Warning "MUMPS is switching to out-of-core mode." ? it take really long time to run the analysis.I tried courser mesh for this case but it didn't work. I don't know what the problem is.
Interested in this question. What I want to know is whether this warning impacts the result. Despite showing this warning, the Comsol gives a solution.
One thing is clear for certain that it's better to use this option only when you know that the stored solutions of your model will definitely exceed your PC's RAM.
Lets say you are storing solution at each second and your model running 4000 steps, there will be 4000 stored solutions and they will take all the RAM space during solution, which may exceeds your RAM. So if this happens you can turn on "out-of-core" option to specifically allow the solver to use the HD space.
If you have low RAM then the PARDISO solver is recommended than MUMPS.