I would like to know your opinion on the rate of investment in the private sector towards renewable energy development and the impact society has on the deployment of these resources, preferably in the UK, but it is not essential.

NIMBY-ism is a large issue in society these days, for instance there is a large percentage of the population who don't like wind farms purely because they think they're ugly. Personally, I like wind farms, I think they add aesthetic properties to the countryside or a coastline. What I think are really ugly are electricity pylons. There is very little people can do against the installation of power lines compared to how far they can campaign against a wind farm being built. Surely in these challenging times, with energy security as bad as it is, the deployment of renewable technologies should be just as important, if not more so than the standard extension of the national grid?

Thoughts and opinions on both sides are more than welcome, this is a friendly discussion.

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