
I'm a newbie to statistics and I'd like to know which test I should use. For my experimental design, I seed two wells for control siRNA and two wells for KD siRNA. After siRNA transfection, I look at the levels of different proteins by WB. I average the values from the two control wells, and average the values from the two KD wells. Then, I normalize the control to one, and normalize KD to control.

For example, for protein X, the two control wells have WB band signals of 3 and 4, so an average of 3.5. The two KD wells have signals of 1 and 2, so an average of 1.5. So after normalizing, protein X from control is 1, and from KD is 1.5/3.5=0.43.

I have three biological replicates, i.e., did the same experiment three times on three different days. Same cell line, but different passages.

Should I use paired or unpaired t test, and parametric or nonparametric?


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