Hello everyone!

I need to do a two-way ANOVA on my data (or at least I think it is the best test), but I'm confused about weather to chose repeated measures on just one factor or both.

Experimental design:

3 mice wild type vs 3 mice knockout (different genotype) For each mice, I take a pool of cells and apply 3 different treatments in paralel. I measure a specific gene expression in all treatments for both wild type and knockout mice, only one time point.

My questions:

1) do the different treatments affect the gene expression withing each genotype? 2) do the different treatments affect the gene expression between each genotype?

3) Is the effect of treatment independent or dependent on the genotype?

First, from what I read and could understand, applying different treatments in the same pool of cells simultaneously is considered a repeated measure so I'm assuming this. In this scenario, for question 1, I think a one-way repeated measure ANOVA would be enough to answer.

But for question 2 and 3, I believe I need to do repeated measure two-way ANOVA. Do you agree?

If I have to do repeated measure two-way ANOVA, my MAJOR doubt is:

a) Is the expression of gene A for each treatment the only repeated measure in this two-way ANOVA? And in this case I would do repeated measure two-way ANOVA for one factor (cell treatment).

b) Or is the expression of gene A for each genotype also a repeated measure? And in this case I should do repeated measure two-way ANOVA for both factors?

Thanks in advance for any feedback! If you need any other info, just ask.

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