Dear Colleagues,
My Dad (66 years old) has recently beed recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Apart from significantly elevated monoclonal protein, he has no symptoms. He has had his blood protein levels high for the past 5 years. Detailed medical exams showed that his bones, kidneys, and blood work (other than what I have already mentioned) are all fine. My Dad has always been fit and he is still feeling well overall.
He has an opportunity to join a clinical study that uses daratumumab combined with standard treatment for multiple myeloma. My understanding is that the treatment he would get is considered chemotherapy.
Is undergoing the chemotherapy the right thing to do now, considering multiple side effects of it (with or without daratumumab)? Or should he wait until symptoms begin to appear. My Dad’s doctors do not seem to share the same opinion on this matter.
I would deeply appreciate suggestions. Please note that I am a neurolignuist, not an MD. Therefore, I may have worded something incorrectly here. However, I will gladly clarify or provide more detailed information if helpful.
Thank you very much in advance,