11 November 2017 5 730 Report

Hi Dear Experts

I have an instrument with ten (10) dimensions and each dimension has 5-8 questions related to service quality of XYZ industry; measuring it on 7 points Likert's scale. First nine (9) dimensions ask questions related to their particular field e.g. culture, knowledge sharing, technology, management quality etc.; while last (10th) dimension is "summary of dimensions" where questions related to previously studied nine (9) dimensions have been asked considering the same seven points scale; like;

1) The overall quality of "culture" of XYZ company is excellent

2) The overall quality of "knowledge sharing" in XYZ company is excellent

3) The overall quality of "technology" of XYZ company is excellent

4) The overall quality of "management" of XYZ company is excellent

While conducting the factor analysis, should I check the model fit of 10th dimension (summary of dimensions) with other nine dimensions OR skip it for model testing? OR if there is any better approach, please let me know.


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