10 October 2017 3 2K Report

I collected data from managers on importance of attributes crucial for successful employability and asked them to rate these employability attributes (21 attributes) on 7 points Likert scale. Later, I requested the same managers to evaluate the performance of their subordinates on these attributes. I want to check that whether the difference between importance of employability attributes and workers actual performance on these attributes is statistically significant or not. E.g.

Importance of Attribute

Employability attribute 1: 6

Employability attribute 2: 7

Employability attribute 3: 6

Employability attribute 4: 6

Workers' Actual Performance on These Attributes

Employability attribute 1: 4

Employability attribute 2: 5

Employability attribute 3: 3

Employability attribute 4: 5

Difference in Importance and Actual Performance

Employability attribute 1: 2

Employability attribute 2: 2

Employability attribute 3: 3

Employability attribute 4: 1

Please guide that how can I check that whether this difference is statistically significant or not?

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