I need a program that identifies the element from diffraction pattern received (from known crystal lattice constant) from TEM in SAED regime images. I am searching for open source, but names of commercial software also work
As you already noticed, the SAED pattern mainly reflect the crystal lattice. The lattice is a pure geometric abstraction which describes the translation symmetry of the diffracting crystal. This is a bit small for the description of a phase, either of an element or of a complex phase since a) many elements have similar lattice parameters, and b) accuracy and precision of SAED patterns are quite low. In maximum it is not better than +-10% (spot size, camera length and others). Fortunately, the spot intensity is related to the crystal structure so that simple crystal structures can be separated because of absent reflections (please not, that they are only absent because of the definition of centered lattices. If you describe the same translation symmetry by a primitive cell, there are no absent reflections anymore. Then, of course, the lattice parameters are totally different which explains also the simple differentiation.) This sound on the first view really nice, but you need to consider, how SAED patterns are formed. You need to have several of them in case of an unknown phase since you need to derive the 3D lattice from 2D patterns. If you have an educated guess it is easier, but even there some reciprocal lattice planes [uvw]* (their plane normal is described by lattice vector [uvw]) can generate quite similar spot arrangements. I cannot recommend you an software when you do not know this. You should first try to understand what is going on, how these patterns are formed, how reciprocal and crystal lattice are related to each other . A software will always try to find a solution, but the given result might be totally wrong. You have to decide whether a number shown is trustful.
But there is still another problem, mainly with free software. It does not have access to databases which are required if you want generate an automated search. In other words: I guess, this only can be organized by a private company since you also need to buy the respective database, and the respective search engine. I do not know any software which can or is allowed to do this.
Free software you can find at CCP14 or some other crystallographic servers, However, they all enable the generation of spot patterns, but as far as I know, they do not automatically search for a solution if you don't tell them either the phase or the zone axis of your electron beam.
Concluding, despite the software the entire business in more complicated than you can imagine at the moment. It looks pretty, if these patterns are shown, but it requires years of experience and supervision of an experienced scientist. Software only can simplify or shorten the time you need for an interpretation. And even the most experienced scientist can fall into a trap, also after many years of working with SAED.
I think you can find the d spacing and intensity of every spot, than you can go to X ray diffraction database and match the D spacing with that. But you should have some idea about the composition and compounds of the sample you are analyzing.
@ S. Goel: You can always match anything... The error is huge, and you cannot deny that you get practically only information about lattice plane distances. You even do not know the indexing...
It is similar to the Hanawalt or Fink index (used for XRD), only with the additional problem, that these manual databases (or also the nowadays used digital database) only consider the most intense interferences which do not have to be part of the SAED pattern you have. From my point of view: very risky.
@ Gert Nolze, Sir, you are right. But i already mentioned that you should have some idea about the phases which are present in the alloy. Using SAED pattern, d spacing can be found for different planes, if the camera length is calibrated. I don't know if the d spacing of the planes in XRD data is not so accurate as of SAED.
For XRD the d-value is 50 to 100 times more precise...if you have enough intensity. For small precipitates this is commonly a problem so that you have to look for alternative techniques like TEM or EBSD in SEM. The latter one is possible the better technique. Using a special software (EBSDL from Han and Li) enables lattice parameter and Bravais lattice determination with a about ten times better precision. Only the accuracy is a bit worse, but it is still clearly better than with SAED.
@ Gert Nolze, sir do we face the same problem using Nano beam diffraction in HRTEM? For Example, many people are using this technique to find Short range order structure in glass.
Well, as Gert already said, SAED will NOT identificate you an element from TEM SAED picture. There is no (reliable) click-and-solve software. But you can check here: https://www.unl.edu/ncmn-cfem/xzli/download