
I've tried to extract RNA from my micro-dissected tissues and I've been getting small RNA concentrations and very poor A260/A280 ratio between 0.6-1.47. I've tried RNA extraction using 1. collagenase to break down the tissue into monolayered cells + Lyse buffer afterwards 2. Directly introducing the Lyse Buffer 3. Lyse Buffer + QIAshredder technic afterwards. 

The lyse buffer i use is Buffer RLT from the QIAGEN RNeasy mini kit and the extraction is done by the QIACUBE. 

Can anyone think of another way to dissociate the cells from the tissue and better ways to store the samples in order to diminish RNA degradation and protein contamination??

I was thinking storing the samples in the RNA later RNA stabilizer ! Any other suggestions? What do you think?

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