I would like to have your opinions on rights of students when they are enrolled in different degree programs considering following case as an example:

1. A student is studying for his/her higher degree (Master or PhD) in any institute. Student has skills of computational biology and bioinformatics (coming from previous education and degree). Enough skills to produce a research paper. This student then writes a purely computational research article all by him/herself without taking any guidance or support from any person (present degree supervisor and other lab colleagues), complete paper writeup, submit to any free journal (to avoid burden of publication fee) and paper gets accepted and published. Do you think this act of student is right or wrong depending upon following:

1. As the student designed whole paper work idea by him/herself and did all the work till end independently, student decided not to include name of his/her current degree supervisor. Keeping in view that student is not getting any pay or stipend from uni or supervisor and holds status of just regular student.

2. Being enrolled in univ, student wrote his/her present univ details as affiliation in paper.

3. The working methodology performed by student has no connection/association/relevance with any of the on-going lab projects or with his/her own degree project in present univ.

4. Being a purely computational work, no lab or univ resources or funding were used by student in this paper publication.

Keeping in view above all circumstances:-

Should this student be appreciated that he/she not only completely degree work but also produced research paper by own efforts OR this student did the wrong thing because he/she mentioned/used present univ name as affiliation in paper but not the supervisor's name or any other person from same univ?

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