17 Questions 26 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Azeem Mehmood Butt
Dear All It is more of a request than a question. As per our study protocol, I have to collect blood samples of patients in PAXGENE Blood RNA tubes. Unfortunately, these tubes are not available...
17 May 2022 5,946 0 View
Dear All We are trying to detect Wolbachia in Culex and Aedes spp (adult, larvae and pupae). Can anyone please tell what would be the preferred approach to start with considering adult...
05 January 2020 6,927 1 View
Hello everyone I would like to ask question about situations where gene expression values are used to correlate with clinical features of samples under investigation. For example, in an...
24 January 2015 6,769 4 View
I would like to know if there is anyone who has worked specifically with QIAGEN cel-miR 39 spike-in using the QIAGEN miRneasy mini kit.
18 May 2014 6,753 3 View
I am using the QIAGEN miRNeasy kit for total RNA isolation from tissue and serum samples as per manual instructions. However, I am facing issues with the phenol contamination and the 260/230...
15 May 2014 4,904 6 View
In codon usage studies, it is observed that a correlation between ENC and GC3 values is plotted as a curve following Wright's, 1990 method and hypothesis. However, what should be the case when a...
19 December 2013 7,984 1 View
I would like to have your opinions on rights of students when they are enrolled in different degree programs considering following case as an example: 1. A student is studying for his/her higher...
11 September 2013 7,940 8 View
I am trying to perform the correspondence analysis between the set of values of GC3 and ENC, given in the attached Microsoft Excel sheet. The problem is that I have applied trend line (polynomial)...
17 August 2013 1,916 1 View
Hello everyone Could anyone please tell me is it possible to isolate COX protein from serum or whole blood samples for western blotting?
02 March 2013 6,752 2 View
Please suggest a reliable free software/server for annotation of newly sequenced viral genomes
03 February 2013 8,151 6 View
I am trying to do phylogenetic analysis of upto 100 full length viral genomes (each consisting of 34000 - 36000 bp). However, I am unable to perform alignment and generate trees by using MEGA5...
20 January 2013 9,285 21 View
I am interested to know if following conditions are possible or have been observed during Hepatitis C virus treatment: 1. Is it possible for HCV patients to have higher viral load as compared to...
02 December 2012 404 10 View
In biorad IQ5, calibration and dye settings are stored in calibration files. So is it possible to use multiple calibration files when different labs use different PCR plates and sealing tapes/caps.
08 November 2012 3,414 1 View
I have to perform expression profiling of microRNAs from serum samples. As there is no universal normalization method yet available, I intend to use synthetic c.elgans miR-39 microRNA for...
03 November 2012 4,464 7 View
I have to design primers based on stem-loop primer method for different miRNAs as I am interested to check their expression in my clinical samples. Can anybody please tell me which miRNA sequence...
24 August 2012 8,784 11 View
Is there any group or personals working on hepatitis C and microrna? Our group is interested in running a collaboration project. Those who are interested please send me email at : [email protected]
26 February 2012 2,661 1 View
Hi all, Can anybody please tell me what is the difference between RNA-seq and transcriptome sequencing? I want to perform parallel expression profile miRNA and mRNA from same biological samples. I...
26 January 2012 6,370 14 View