i getting chi2 =32.5 and rp= 16.4 during retvield refinement via fullprof software....Values are quite stable at this point.....how to further decrease it?
Refer to the discussion https://www.researchgate.net/post/Why_is_the_Rexp_value_of_my_Rietveld_refinement_so_high and my remarks on the statistics. It is imaginable that your "intensities" is not truly intensity in counts leading to such huge chi^2.
In addition to the comment of Andreas, it seems to me that you have a faint peak around 27° that is not indexed by your structural model.
I would try to understand if it is originated by a secondary phase (that thus should be included in the model, or otherwise you can exclude that angular region from the refinement), or if your structural model is the correct one.
expected R factor-Rexp is quite low in your case, so try to optimise profile parameters, background or structural model to improve fitting quality and also include 2nd phase as suggested by Alberto Martinelli