In my country, cases have been reported of abnormally eyeball movement and dissociative identity disorder patients in the timing of personality changes. And in my country, many psychiatrists have a common belief of that symptoms still.
However in some cases, patients with the knowledge of the timing of change of personality, (dissociative identity disorder patients turn over the whites of the eyes) can use this information to pretend a personality change. A female patient did so in front of a lover. Her lover reported to the chief physician at the examination the fear of such a state. And the chief physician acknowledged her symptom, saying," I thought this symptom would show ". ( However, he was not aware that she was pretending ).
However, the dissociative disorder patient says something different. She was alone, and during a recall state ( remembering the memories of the past, no one is near, and state not seen by anyone ), she reported subjective symptoms of eyeballs moving violently unconsciously. She says that the eyeballs were moving together with contents of memory ( recall ). And she says, of course, the symptoms do not absolutely show, when there is a relationship with others. And there is sometimes a timing that she can not be aware of at the movement of severe eyeball movement.
Have you ever seen the examination or counseling of a dissociative identity disorder patient ? Do their eyeballs reverses in the timing of personality change? If so, could you please elaborate the details of these symptoms. Also, if such cases of abnormal eyeball movement have been reported to occur together with recall of memory at the time of being alone.