Hello everyone. Hope you'll are doing well. I have a question and would be really grateful for your responses. I actually isolated RNA from a cell line using Trizol- followed by DNAse I treatment and then Phenol chloroform extraction. I washed with 70% Ethanol twice. I have pretty decent concentrations (2000-3000 ng/ul) and 260/230 ratios are all above 2 but the 260/280 is between 1.71-1.81 with most samples having it at around 1.74. This is a little disappointing because I always had ratios between 1.8-2. I ran the samples on agarose gel and I think the bands look intact with 18S, 28S and lower bands visible. However the bands ratios don't look ideal. I'm attaching the picture below. I eventually want to use the RNA for Taqman assays and any suggestions would be highly welcome. Thank you.