02 February 2018 4 772 Report

Dear all;

With sincerity, I wish to invite you to participate in a research about smart city projects management (Smart Cities, Smarter Management Developing a smart framework for smart city projects management In Europe). The purpose of this study is to identify smart practices in smart city projects management in Europe that could increase projects success. The survey will not take more than 10-15 mins to complete. Also, the research final results will be shared with you hoping that it could add valuable knowledge.

The study is undertaken by Tara Alshahadeh under the supervision of Prof.Akin Marsap for her master degree in business management in Aydin university- Istanbul- turkey.

I ask your kind cooperation in answering these questions as accurately as possible; your response will be highly confidential and all participants will remain anonymous.

To participate in the survey, please click on the link below:


Thank you for your assistance.

Yours Sincerely,

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