I think it would be possible. However, I believe that using retention time only as a parameter to identify your molecules might be difficult because there are compounds that may be present in your sample that would have a similar retention time which would affect your study moving forward. I think it would be best to have a standard to verify your compound of interest, or utilize other detection instruments such as mass spectrometry or colorimetric assays to further identify your compound.
If you will try to replicate the protocol and conditions of your reference paper, you can check if your sample has similar or same retention time, with the reference compound in the paper. However, there is a possibility that the RT of your experimental results might deviate (slightly or largely) from the RT of your reference paper.
Passing by some trial HPLC séparation always found two molecules "a" and "b" comparing it to the previous paperwork that mentions the presence of only these two molcules "A" and "B". even if the retention time differ slightly can I conclude which one is "A" and which one Is "B" due to their molecular weight caus I suppose it's impossible for molecul B to pass the throw the column faster then molecule "A" ?