Anyone working on anther culture or any tissue culture related work on pomegranate... I have a major issue regarding phenolic production in culture which becomes almost black even after using antioxidants and charcoal...
Phenol exudation is a major problem in pomegranate tissue culture. To mitigate this you can follow some of the steps like,
1) After inoculation of ex-plants keep the cultures in dark (3 to 5 days)
2) Waxing the axillary shoots will reduce phenol exudation
3) You can also treat the ex-plants with antioxidants like citric acid and ascorbic acid before inoculation and also add antioxidants in culture media along with charcoal.
4) Adding 200-400 mg/L Poly Vinyl Pyrrolidin (PVP) to the culture media may be helpful to reduce phenol exudation
5) Frequent transfer of cultures will be helpful.
5) If you are doing anther culture divide the petridish in 2 to 3 parts and inoculate anthers in the first part then second day transfer the anthers to second part then third day transfer to third part like this mostly you can control phenol exudation.