Hi so I have developed an assay whereby I can detect certain mutational markers on qPCR and have developed a standard using synthetic DNA at around 300bp. I typically work in copy numbers so my standard curve goes from 10- 10^7 copies with Ct values at each one. Curve looks great, R2 close to 1

Now I have been working on some clinical samples which obviously have a mixed population of WT and MT. So I run two reactions one with WT primer and one with MT primer. My WT primer doesn't amplify MT primer so no cross reactivity happening. However the sample of DNA is genomic DNA so much larger in size not to mention the nature of it not being necessarily uniform in length. The original plan was to compare the Ct values to the curve but I don't think I can do this anymore. Genomic DNA copies are very different to copies of synthetic DNA. If I try and use concentration instead e.g. ng/ul it still doesnt work as 1ng/ul of genomic DNA is incredibly different to 1 ng/ul of synthetic DNA. So I am confused how is someone meant to quantify samples in qPCR when standards can often be much shorter DNA templates.

Any advice on this issue or some extra scientific theory that I might be missing would be greatly appreciated.

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