Last July (=9 months ago), we submitted a manuscript to a quite renowned journal in our field.

On the Editorial Manager Dashboard, the status has been since "Awaiting for Editor Assignment". We enquire about this problem a few weeks after submission, with no reply, then regularly after this. A few months after that, we had an admin reply saying "Thanks for your patience, we enquire".

Since we really want to publish there we hung out on this. But in December, tired of waiting, I hacked all the editorial board to enquire whether they had heard about our manuscript and asking for help.

Finally, the Editor in Chief replied that he was personally handling the manuscript and this is why it did not show any assigned editor on our dashboard. He said a reviewer has been assigned to this and that a second one was pending....

And since then, nothing... We wrote several time but with no reply. Since this is the Editor in Chief, I have no one to turn to at the journal and admin is not replying. We have lost considerable time to withdraw the manuscript now (and it would make things "easy" for them) but things seem to be stuck.

None of my colleagues or network have experienced such a bad situation in their publication process. This is why I turned to you for some advice.

Thank you so much in advance for your time and help.

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