Make gel as usual in 1x TAE/TBE buffer and cool down. Add about 30µl of the 2 mg/ml Crystal Violet solution to the agarose (~100ml) and swirl to mix, then pour the gel as usual. Add 10x Crystal Violet loading dye to the DNA sample and load onto the gel
Run the gel. Cut the fragment from the gel and proceed directly to gel purification.
Remember: If no band is visible, insufficient DNA was loaded (it's less sensitive than Ethidium bromide: 200 ng is the minimum DNA amount visible)
Crystal violet solution:
2 mg/ml crystal violet in 1x TAE/TBE
10x Crystal violet DNA loading buffer
normal 10x loading buffer recipe containing some of the crystal violet solution instead of Bromophenol blue and Xylene cyanol (I prepare 5X loading buffer adding V/V Crystal violet solution)