Hi everyone

I'm facing a real problem when trying to export data results from imageJ (fiji) to excel to process it later.

The problem is that I have to change manually the dots (.) , commas (,) even when changing the properties in excel (from , to .) in order not count the numbers as thousands, (let's say I have 1,302 = one point three zero two) it count it as (1302 = one thousand three hundred and two) when I transfer to excel...

Lately I found a nice plugin (Localized copy...) that can change the numbers format locally in imageJ so it can be used easily by excel.

Unfortunately, this plugin has some bugs because it can only copy one line of the huge data that I have and only for one time (so I have to close and reopen the image again).

is there anyone that has faced this problem? Can anyone suggest me please another solutions??

Thanks in advance

Problem finally solved... I got the new version of 'Localized copy' plugin from the owner Mr Wolfgang Gross (not sure if I have the permission to upload it here).

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