I am trying to confirm the biotinylation of protein of interest in protoplast by WB. I co-transfect two vectors into protoplast: one overexpresses BirA the other overexpresses BLRP-protein-GR. I added 50 uM biotin to each reaction and two days after transfection the protoplast was lysed in 1NuPage sample buffer and ran on NuPage (A SDS page systerm by ThermoFisher). I transfered to PVDF member and blocked using 5% milk. I used TBST for the wash steps.
I was able to detect BirA using anti-BirA antibody, biotinylated control proteins ( Biotinylated Recombinant Protein L) using Streptavidin-HRP (Invitrogen), and protein of interest using anti-GR. However, I did not see any band for BLRP-protein-GR on the blot using Streptavidin-HRP while the postive control work.
The results from positive controls seems to suggest BirA is expressed (anti-BirA), biotinylated protein (Streptavidien-HRP) and the protein of interest (anti-GR) are detactable. I was confused about the too many possibilities that may explain the negative result that there was no biotinylated BLRP-protein-GR: i) the BirA was expressed but not functional ii) the N-terminal BLRP tag somehow can't be biotinylated iii) the extraction buffer was wrong ... and so on?
The technology, BirA-biotin-Streptavidien, has been successfully used in the protoplast (isolated from the same species as mine). Right now I'm trying a different source of biotin, adding ATP to the reaction, and modifying the vector carrying BirA. Any thoughts/input regarding how to solve this problem is greatly appreciated. If your suggestion resolve the problem, I'm more than happy to include your name as an co-author on the manuscript.