Hello everybody,

I recently started having a problem in my neuron culture preps. When I check my neurons ~2 hours after plating I don't see any neurite extensions and 24 hrs after plating they even begin to degrade but remain as small circular cells without any extensions. 

I've tried plating on different concentrations of poly-d-ornithine and even switching to poly-d-lysine and adding laminin and that didn't seem to be an issue. I've also switched out the lot of B27, decreased the concentration of trypsin, and make all solutions fresh. I've started triturating with DMEM + 10% FBS + 1% P/S to increase cell viability and this didn't seem to help with neurite extension. I've gotten my dissection time down to ~30 minutes. I've switched between using polypropylene and polished Pasteur pipettes and this wasn't it. I even switched to a different incubator to see if that did anything and was unsuccessful.

I am trying cortical + hippocampal cultures at E16.5 in mice. I've tried doing these cultures at later time points to see if it was a plug issue but this didn't affect anything. I do my dissections in HBSS + hepes buffer (I consistently check the pH of the Hepes so I doubt this is the problem) and then I digest in .25% trypsin in HBSS+Hepes for ~30 minutes. After 30min I replace with DMEM + 10% FBS + 1% P/S to do my dissociating. After I dissociate I spin down in the centrifuge and resuspend the cells in the DMEM + FBS solution and then plate onto poly-d-lysine (20 ug/ml) coated plates. 2-4 hours after plating I replace the entire media with neurobasal + b27 + glutamax. I've tried replacing only half the media 2-4 hours after plating to decrease osmotic shock but this didn't do anything. 

When I coat my plates in PDL I make sure to wash 3x with dH20 and let completely dry in the hood before leaving them in the incubator with DMEM + 10% FBS + 1% P/S. I leave it in this solution and then aspirate it when I am ready to plate my cells.

I'm not sure how to move on from here. I had gotten this to work previously so I'm not sure what could have gone wrong. Suggestions are plenty welcome. 

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