Hello Researchers,
I have been looking for a proper primary antibody against p-JNK and JNK for mouse macrophage lysate (±LPS treatment) in western blot. We tried 4 antibodies against p-JNK; 3 from Cell signaling (4668, 9255, 9251); 1 from Abcam (ab124956). None of them is working. I couldn't detect the band even using 1:100 with 60ug/lane. Also, we failed to detect the total JNK with two antibodies (both from Cell Signaling, 9252 and 9258). I searched the literature and found that most of them used Cell signaling antibodies! The thing is only JNK I have difficulties detecting (p-p38 or p-ERK are fine in my hand with the same membrane). I am desperate and have time pressure now. Any idea about p-JNK or JNK antibodies?
Sharing experiences and suggestions are all welcomed.
Thank you in advance!