Dear colleagues,
There is already a number of threads on predatory journals on Research Gate but not a specific one for the domain of Geology and Earth Sciences. So I thought it may be a good idea to start one. I'd like you to share here your experiences with predatory publishers so we make sure you and your colleagues around you know about this bad behavior which is very harmful for science.
My mailbox is slowly getting drowned by emails of predatory publishers and this makes me really angry. So today I will report the invitation I got from medwin publishers, who are notoriously predatory so this is definitely not their first feat. but I was invited to contribute to one of their new Journals.
To my opinion, Paleontology, in particular invertebrate paleontology, is unfortunately a field that struggles a bit nowadays with respect to the number of academics in position. The last thing that it needs is a journal that does not meet the scientific standards. Instead of publishing bad papers and books with these flaky editors, there has been two great recent initiatives to offer the possibility for open-access, with a respectable review system, and free for authors: PCI paleontology and the Journal of Cephalopod Palaeontology, while the excellent Palaeontologia Electronica remains more active than ever. Let's promote the good journals such as the three above that deserve it.
Links on Medwin publishers:
While it is of course not easy to clearly identify predatory publishers and journals, it could be a good occasion here to report any journal in the domain of Earth Sciences that has been reported as notoriously "predatory".