15 April 2022 3 2K Report

Dear all,

I am conducting research on the impact of blockchain traceability for charitable donations on donation intentions (experimental design with multiple conditions, i.e., no traceability vs. blockchain traceability).

One scale/factor measures “likelihood to donate” consisting of 3 items (dependent variable).

Another ”trust” factor, consisting of 4 items (potential mediator).

And a scale “prior blockchain knowledge” consisting of 4 items (control).

All factors/items are taken from previous research.

The first two (hypothesized) factors are measured on a 7 point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 7 (Strongly agree). However, the “prior blockchain knowledge” contains of 4 items that are measured as a semantical differential from -3 to +3. Essentially, all items in my study thus have the same “scale length” of 7.

My question is: if I perform an EFA/PCA on this data, is this a problem? Is there any gain in recoding the semantical differential to 1-7 after conducting the survey but before EFA/CFA. Or is this unnecessary or even problematic?

Curios to read your ideas, thank you in advance!

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