Hi, I'm trying to determine if my protein spherulites are positive or negative by polarized light microscopy. This involves the use of a 530 or 550nm retardation plate (RP) inserted before the analyzer of a cross-polarization setup (i.e from the bottom: polarizer>sample>RP>analyzer).

Analyzer and polarizer have to be perpendicular each other, let's say one north-south, the other east-west, while the retardation plate has to be set at 45°, so either direction southwest-northeast or southeast-northwest.

In my microscope (Olympus BX61 equipped with a U-TP530 at 45°) the fast axis of the RP is southwest-northeast while in most references I found this is either not specified or the opposite (southeast-northwest).

So my question is, since I have an "opposite" set up from the ones in the reference, is also the coloring of my spherulite opposite (i.e. if positive, radial spherulites observed with a retardation plate oriented southeast-northwest show their northeast quadrant blue, should my spherulites, assuming they are also positive, show the same quadrant yellow instead)?


Article The formation of spherulites by amyloid fibrils of bovine insulin


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