Environmental pollution is serious global issue, man and plants directly affected. What is the method can we adopt to know pollutant level from plant leaves, and how plants tell us the level of pollution in certain environment?
Plant leaves do not pollute,it doesn't gives out any toxic gases.The lichens a symbiotic association of an algae and fungi is a pollution indicators,For air quality air monitoring system and air analysis for toxic gases,particulates and other suspended particles.Foe water pH,quality,metallic and other pollutants,BOD,eutrophication etc,and for soil pH,Temp,moisture content,soil microbes both useful and harmful studies shall help you
- Tretiach M., Pavanetto S., Pittao E., Sanità di Toppi L., Piccotto M., in press. Water availability modifies tolerance to photooxidative pollutants in transplants of the lichen Flavoparmelia caperata. Oecologia. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-011-2104-z.
- Piccotto M., Bidussi M., Tretiach M., 2011. Effects of the urban environmental conditions on the chlorophyll a fluorescence emission in transplants of three ecologically distinct lichens. Environmental and Experimental Botany 73: 102-107. Special Issue: Chlorophyll Fluorescence: from Theory to (Good) Practice.
- Tretiach M., Piccotto M., Baruffo L., 2007. Effects of ambient NOX of chlorophyll a fluorescence in transplanted Flavoparmelia caperata (Lichen). Environmental Science and Technology 41, pp. 2978-2984.