You can determine predation impact from scat analysis, but you'll need to do 3 things:
1) quantify the carnivore diet results as biomass consumed (using correction formulas)
2) Determine the densities of ungulate species on your study (e.g., with distance sampling), so that you can determine ungulate biomass available on the study site
3) determine density of the carnivore on the study (e.g., with camera trapping)
See the attached paper for details about this technique.
Below is the link to our paper, where we assessed consumed prey biomass, prey selection and daily prey intake of lynx individuals belonging to different populations and species (Fig. 4). As Miha Krofel mentioned, in order to make a more reliable assessment, you would need some clue on the kill rates of the carnivore in focus, either from your study or studies conducted on the same species before.
Article Foraging ecology of Eurasian lynx populations in southwest A...