Can someone help with how I can set up experiment to validate PCR primers using stock cDNA samples? What type of primer dilution series (concentrations) should I test? Thanks!
When I test new primers, I make six serial 1:10 dilutions starting at 10ng of DNA. I'm doing a slightly different application (using genomic DNA instead of cDNA), but the same approach should work. Don't forget to do a melting curve in addition to checking the PCR efficiency. Good luck!
concur with Nathaniel. A 1:10 serial dilution of your cDNA starting with 1ul of neat cDNA (approximating to 10ng as stated) down to 1:10 000
Alternatively for low copy number genes a 1:2 serial dilution beginning with neat cDNA and progressing to 1:128 sometimes in my experience works better for this subset of GOI than the aforementioned log(10) dilution