Hello all,

I would appreciate if anybody could share a possible solution for the problem I'm having with RT-PCR.

I was doing semi-quantitative RT-PCR for a specific transcript thats is not very abundant. Usually requiring between 35 and 40 cycles to get signal. Independently of this, it was working perfectly and I was able to have a very good and reproducible amplification.

However, suddenly this SAME pcr, with the SAME primers and reagents started to fail. Instead of bands we get smears, which also appear in the blank, suggesting a contamination with degraded DNA (possibly). Even though this does not amplify anything from the cDNA, it amplifies perfectly genomic DNA!!!

The cDNA is ok because I am able to amplify other transcripts. Since the fragment has 1kb I tried RNAseH treatment but this did not help. I tried even to order a new stock of the same primers, but it didn't change anything. Finally I also tried to amplify old cDNA samples in which we managed to amplify successfully this transcrip before and now IT DOES NOT work with the same efficiency and not always is working!!!!!! There as lot of variability with the same samples and I'm doing always the same, a co-worker also did the pcr and din't work with her also.

I'm REALLY puzzled, does anybody has any hint on this problem?

Thanks a lot,


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