I have lived with an Asian culture for 39 years.  I am not Asian.  I have noticed a pattern of behavior.  Not is not about good or bad behavior.  It is just behavior.  I read your articles on reluctedness (for the lack of a better word) of Asians to seek psychological council due to the stigma of mental illness.

While I understand this reluctedness (for lack of a better word), I am also aware of the cultural need to keep family business, family business.  

Most cultures saw mental illness with a stigma until shows such as Oprah and Dr. Phil began to appear.  In much of my travels the stigma seems to be an age thing.  Younger generations seem willing.  When I mean younger, I am referring to below 60's.  

I am noticing a trend of self-victimization and the need to be a victim.  

I am a public school teacher.  

The physical majority of my students are outside my culture and race.  

However, this trend seems across the board and increasing each year.  What I a wondering, is while Asian history it was a strong stigma to be mentally ill, could the changes I am seeing first hand be attributed to the change in the merging of cultures or is this trend more isolated to areas where the cultures are already merged or blended?

Thank you for your ideas,


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