P-type semiconductors are used to form positive charges in a material, while n-type semiconductors are used to form negative charges. The p-type and n-type conductivity of a pellet depends on the type of semiconductor material used to create it. Generally, p-type conductivity is higher than n-type conductivity, but it can vary between materials.
There are different methods to find conductivity. For d.c. conductivity you can use four probe method and for a.c. conductivity you can use dielectric spectroscopy. Fitting of a.c. conductivity data with various available models can give information of d.c. conductivity in the sample. Further from the composition of the material you can easily predict whether it would be a good ionic conductor or electronic conductor or any other quasiparticles conductor.
Surya Bhaskaram Thank you for the answer, i have done hall effect for thin film to find out the conductivity but is it possible to measure the hall effect for the pellet-like structure? (photo of the pellet is attached below).