We use 400 cP methylcellulose (sigma #M0262) in the lab to administrer drugs by oral gavage (0.5% MC + 0.2% tween 80).
To prepare 500 ml of 0.5% MC:
- heat 150 ml of milliQ water to 70-80 degrees (put a magnetic stirrer in the beaker)
- In the mean time, transfer 350 ml of milliQ water in a beaker and place it in the freezer (or place it on ice).
- When the water is at 70-80 degrees, add the methylcellulose powder and activate the magnetic stirrer. Use a spatula to dissolve the MC powder in water and to make a homogeneous suspension. MC will not dissolve but you can have a homogeneous milky suspension.
- Take your beaker containing 350 ml of ice-cold water and add it to your MC suspension
- The MC suspension should clear immediately
- Stop the heating and keep on stirring the solution while slowly adding 1 ml of tween 80
_ stir the solution overnight in the cold room
- the following day, the solution should be perfectly clear