While the authors are diligent to point out the racial imbalances between MSM participating in longitudinal cohort studies and the possible misclassification of HIV-infected men according to their presumed actual route of HIV infection, the lack of valid means of confirming self-reported sexual orientation in most of the cohorts contributing non-MSM HIV infected men, the vast majority of whom were African American, undermines the sub-group comparisons of HIV-infected men based on self-reported sexual risk factors. For at least the MACS, at the time of the initial cohort recruitment (1984), few if any African-American men self-identified as homosexual or bisexual, largely because of the extremely high levels of homophobia in their communities of origin. Even today, when the racial disparity in the risk of newly reported HIV infections among Black MSM compared to White or Latin MSM is increasing, studies trying to determine the social drivers of this phenomenum consistently demonstrate that fear of disclosure of their sexuality among Black MSM in major segregated cities is associated with underestimated risk of being HIV+ and seeking testing and counseling. Otherwise, this is a very compelling secondary analysis that should reinforce public health policies that ensure that young men are universally vaccinated against HPV. By the time many African American men realize that they are at high risk of contracting both HPV and HIV infection, many of them will have already been dually infected and have already entered the subgroup of men at highest risk of anal cancer from sexual exposure.

Article Risk of Anal Cancer in HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Indiv...

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