
I am doing some flow cytometry experiments on microalgae exposed to pesticides and involving the use of a ROS (reactive oxygen species) sensitive fluorescent probe.

I obtained different MFI (mean fluorescence intensity) values in FL1 between control cells and treated cells (for example, 1 400 000 a.u. for control and 2 500 000 a.u. for treated) meaning an increase in ROS level in the samples exposed to pesticides. However, I noticed that the MFI values in FL1 for unstained cells were also slightly different (7200 for control and 13 500 for treated). So, I am wondering if the increase observed for the treated stained cells is not only due to a higher unstained fluorescence, which is probably due to the action of the contaminant.

Should I divide every MFI FL1 value of stained cells with the one of unstained cell to avoid the bias associated to higher unstained fluorescence? MFI FL1 stained cell/MFI FL1 unstained cell

I am working with an Accuri C6 flow cytometer, so the voltage is the same whether i am working with unstained or stained cells.

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,


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