If the substrate used in the design of the photonic device is silicon, at what input intensity does a nonlinear effect appear on the output? Do dimensions have a nonlinear effect on the photonic device?
Greetings, Masoud Mohammadi. You should clarify - what type of "nonlinear effect" is the experiment talking about? I also emphasize:
1. At a certain input intensity Lin. at the output of the photodetector (PD), the effect of saturation * can appear, which (in turn) can lead to a change in its I - V characteristic (see the clip: 3rd quadrant of the graph), i.e., with a significant increase in the input radiation Lin. output current Ifp. does not change significantly / proportionally. The reason is that almost all m charge carriers (in the Si structure) interact with k>m photons of radiation Lin., for example, in p-i-n phase transition. The IQE internal quantum efficiency also plays a role here.
2. The size of the PD can due to the saturation effect and the photonic device.
3. Review my work (after 2007, in Russian language) in profile, including the development of micro p-i-n PD UHF range.
If my answer was useful to you, please mark / recommend it. If necessary, send me your comments. Nick Proskurin, PhD.
That depends on a lot of factors. What nonlinear effects do you consider? What is you photonic device and your laser wavelength? Here is a really nice overview: https://www.nature.com/articles/nphoton.2010.185