I did a lot of cloning using the gibson assembly master mix and every time it worked perfectly. I must have done more that 30 cloning with great results. 

However, now I've been trying for the last month to do a routine cloning and I only get clones where the backbone closed on itself. 

I want to clone two inserts (1 of 450pb and one of 900pb) into pcDNA3.1 digested with XbaI and BamHI. I purified my inserts and my backbone on agarose gel. I do the cloning with 75ng of vector and and 3-fold excess of each insert.

I tried to do the cloning reaction with only the backbone ( no insaerts) and I also obtained a lot of colonies. How is this possible? What should I do. I already tried to make a new prep of digested pcDNA3.1 with no sucess.

Thank you

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