3D laser lithography is a femto-second laser-based direct patterning technique capable of producing three-dimensional (3D) nano-micro structures. If you need any help in fabricating 3D structures contact us 👍 Think BIG !
Basically, Dry, wet anisotropic, X-ray, UV, and ion beam etching, excimer laser micromachining, laser drilling, hot embossing, and microinjection molding may all be used to create Master microarray templates.
Microneedle molds, on the other hand, are created by combining a resin and hydrate substance (emseal) with a micron-sized sewing needle tip. The resin and hydrate materials were combined in a 1:1 ratio and thoroughly mixed by hand.
A microneedle device is created by arranging hundreds of microneedles in arrays on a small patch (similar to a standard transdermal patch currently on the market) in order to administer a sufficient amount of medicine to provide the desired therapeutic response. It pierces the stratum corneum, allowing it to bypass the barrier layer.