Do you think the existence of higher education ministry is a positive step for education or is it a way for injecting high doses of pure bureaucracy and outdated fashions in the system? What is your opinion and field experience?
It depends entirely on who makes up the ministry. If the ministry is made up of former or current professors who understand what teaching and research is all about, then the ministry will probably be helpful. But if the ministry is made up of politicians with no teaching or research experience, then the ministry will probably be a pain in the neck.
It depends entirely on who makes up the ministry. If the ministry is made up of former or current professors who understand what teaching and research is all about, then the ministry will probably be helpful. But if the ministry is made up of politicians with no teaching or research experience, then the ministry will probably be a pain in the neck.
I think that the main responsibility of the Ministry of Education is to set up its goals based on the philosophy of education that works best for the people of country. As long as we look up to foreigners for help, our systems, educational or otherwise, cannot cater to local needs. As this wise statement states. " A man's meat is another man's poison".
It is perhaps a global disease that some persons are always given responsibility to take vital and important decisions who are not having sufficient practical experience on the topic.
Anybody should not expect any decision from the administrators regarding technical matters which will be taken only considering the usefulness of the decision. Many other factors are considered before taking such decisions which are not directly related with the subject.
We have that discussion currently in Thailand. The Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC), Ministry of Education, is supposed to become its own ministry. Most see that more as a threat than an opportunity. OHEC is obsessed with anything that makes Thailand look better in international statistics, and enforces its policies ever more strictly. So is nobody who does not hold a PhD allowed anymore to teach graduate courses - thus almost all industry practitioners are banned from bringing in practical aspects and experiences. Academic paper production on an industrial scale is another element of this obsession, while nobody cares who actually wrote the paper. There are enough paper mills available.