I am trying to assemble multiple constructs:

- 2 fragments (1300bp and 2000bp) into a 3.3 kb vector

- 1 fragment (2000bp) into 5 kb vector

- another 2000bp fragment into the same vector

- 1 fragment (3600bp) into a different 5 kb vector

All of them are failing, as in: giving no or very little colonies. I've wasted quite a bit of this expensive master mix so far, and am running out of options as to what to try. Sometimes I get 1 or 2 colonies, but never the expected amount and never with the correct insert.

The most logical thing based on these observations is the competent cells being bad, but I've transformed them with an intact plasmid and got 200-300 colonies on the first try, so they are obviously fine.

The next sensible thing would be that my ligation is simply very difficult for some reason, but in that case, it wouldn't be failing for all 4 constructs.

I linearise my vectors by PCR and gel-purify them. I have tried with purified and unpurified PCR products.

I tried assembling the positive control in the HiFi mix and got 3-5 colonies, which is still way too little (manual says >100). So I used another vial of HiFi mix, thinking maybe the enzymes were bad, but I got exactly the same result.

I've used this same method multiple times in the past to assemble constructs of higher complexity than this, and it has always worked in the past for me... What am I missing here? Should I sacrifice a loved one?

Thanks for your time!

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