I have a bunch of electrophysiological measurements from cells recorded from multiple animals from two different genotypes - (WT and mutant).

I stratified my groups further by morphology of the cells into two broad categories 1 and 2- (WT_1, WT_2, MUT_1, and MUT_2).

I want to ask the following questions for each electrophysiological property measured:

1. Is there a difference between WT_1 and WT_2

2. Is there a difference between MUT_1 and MUT_2

3. Is there a difference between WT_1 and MUT_1

4. Is there a difference between WT_2 and MUT_2

Do I run multiple t-tests for each measurement between the relevant comparisons? If so, what kind of correction is needed/appropriate?

Or do I run a 2-way ANOVA with or without correction for multiple comparisons?

Add. info that might be useful:

The data are normally distributed.

There are multiple cells recorded from the same animal.

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