It's common to know that performance of MMSE and ZF are pretty close over Massive MIMO, and i've been trying to prove it in my simulation.
Though there's a problem about MMSE equalization,
I've been using 10*100 (10 transmitting antennas over 100 receving antennas),
y = Hx + v
H'*y = H'Hx +Hv
xhat = M*H'y;
To simplify the notation, H = H'*H
For ZF: M_zf = H'inv(H*H') (pseudo inverse)
For MMSE: M_mmse = H'*inv(H*H'+ H*sigma_v2/sigma_x2)
If both algorithms' performance were close,
M_zf = M_mmse approximately.
However, when I implenmented MMSE equalization, I also need to consider the normalization, for ZF, on the other hand, it's unnecessary.
So the normalization was diag(gain*H)
Therefore, M_mmse_nor = M_mmse ./ diag(M_mmse * H)
Regardless the normalization, performance of MMSE and ZF should be simliar over 10*100 MIMO system theoratically due to the H and H'
Looking forward to a discussion.