I've read several works that assess catalase assay from samples by spectrophotometry based on Aebi (1984). Based on this, some works employ a microplate for this determination, and this is what I want to do with eukaryotic cells extract/C. elegans extract (i.e.: Article Development of a 96-well based assay for kinetic determinati...


Article Rapid Kinetic Microassay for Catalase Activity


I have a couple of questions regarding this:

- Is it necessary to include a purified catalase concentration curve in this determination or this is only applied when validating a techinique? This method has been validated as I showed above.

- Can anyone provide to me a detailed protocol of this so I can reproduce it at my lab?

- How can I perform the measurements at optimal temperature if my spectrophotometer does not have a thermal regulation?

Looking forward for your answers!

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