Since the beginning of the Green revolution in India in the 1960s, there is a rapid increase in the utilization of nitrogenous fertilizers. The adverse impact of Nitrate in groundwater is well known as Nitrate is found to be harmful even when its concentration is below the permissible limits. There are several studies and journal reports on the nitrate concentration in groundwater in different parts of India. But most of them are limited to a specific study area or a state. A comprehensive analysis is proposed by Dr. Sahila and Dr. Saurav to gather information from various sources (journals, books, reports, etc. ) about nitrate detections in groundwater in all parts of the country since 1960. A standard template for gathering the information is developed. We would like to know if you are willing to contribute to collecting information regarding the same. We are planning to assign a person specific to a certain number of states as this will help in preventing the data overlapping. Once we can gather these data, we can come up with an analysis of the rate of increase (or decrease) in nitrate concentration over the years, pollution risk map, and correlation analysis with the factors that possibly affect or result in the presence of nitrate in the groundwater, etc.

If you are agreeing to contribute to this work. Kindly reply to us and we can forward you the template.

Looking forward to the collaboration

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” Henry Ford.

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